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8 minutes 13 seconds
~2 minute, POV:
Ashton enters the room for your date. She tells you she is excited to have you for dinner.. erm.. with dinner.
She picks you up and promptly tells you that the only way a tiny man could ever satisfy her, is by satisfying her hunger. She states that she is going to have you along with her dinner.
Ashton explains she will swallow you, you will travel down into her belly and she will eat her dinner on top of you. Her body will then convert every last bit of you into energy for her.
~1 minute, POV, Endoscope view:
Ashton rolls you around in her mouth, tasting and savoring you. She then swallows you down with a loud gulp.
~4 minutes, Third Person, eating:
Ashton then begins to eat her dinner as she mocks you. She belches as she eats. She comments how she is so hungry, her intestines might just push you through alive. She continues to eat her French fries and fried fish with tater sauce and she feels her body working. She wonders where you will end up: her breasts, her long legs, her pretty feet?
No matter where you end up, you’ll be nothing but nutrients.
~1 minute, Third Person, rubbing belly:
Ashton sits back and relaxes, allowing her meal to properly digest. She rubs her belly and continues to taunt you. Churning around inside and her body has its way with you, squeezing you, breaking you down until you’re gone. But really.. you’ll be with her forever.
POV, Vore, Eating, Endoscope View
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